Alex Romanov

Co-Founder / Director of Acquisitions
Alex moved from humble roots to the U.S. with his family as an immigrant when he was 12 years old, and went to school at the University of Colorado, Boulder for his undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering. He later attended MIT for business school where he received his masters degree. Alex worked as an Aerospace Engineer building and launching satellites for several years, and later worked as a manager for the Boeing 787 in Everett. Seeking something more meaningful in life where he could focus more on helping people, in 2014 he attended a real estate conference that forever changed his life, and he shifted his focus and passion to the real estate industry, co-founding a successful business in Washington State that operated for nearly 8 years, employing 30 team members around the world; he even recruited his wife to join the business! Alex is a proud Papa of his first baby boy, and in his free time he enjoys adrenaline activities, playing beach volleyball, listening to interesting podcasts to continue expanding his mind, traveling, and spending quality time with his family. Fun fact about Alex: he’s 6'7" tall!